Humans will just keep doing what they always have in a post-scarcity AGI-powered future

In the 19th century, work was mostly based around contributing towards the creation of basic necessities - making food, building shelter, etc.
In the 20th century, it increasingly moved towards higher abstractions. The farther away from what machines alone could do, the more valuable it was.
In the 21st century, machines will increasingly automate a lot of what we valued in the 20th century.
Within 10 years, most prestigious and valuable categories of work from 1990 - law, medicine, etc. - will be performed with far more competence and at significantly lower cost by AI systems.
As the ‘real world’ is increasingly run by AI-powered systems, the most valuable economic activities will become what machines alone can’t do: creating new products, art and systems that only you could make due to your deep understanding of both yourself and the world - self-expression and high-abstraction creativity.
Basically, as what machines alone can do increases, humans will do what they always have: move to higher abstraction work leveraging technology to do work that's beyond what machines alone can produce.
This will continue beyond ‘AGI’, ‘post-scarcity’ and whatever other technological landmarks people foresee because humans striving to push the tools they have to their limits isn’t a product of technology, and rather a product of human nature.